
Think Forward.

  • how to work with recruiters as a freelancer

The Gig Economy: How to Work with Recruiters as a Freelancer

Freelancers, are you tired of sending out cold emails all day looking for leads? As a solopreneur, finding clients can be an arduous task, taking up hours of time only for most contacts to ignore you. But working with a recruiter could change all that. A recruiter can be your powerful partner, marketing your best features to clients [...]

2018-10-01T15:58:57-04:00October 1st, 2018|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • giving employee feedback

Giving Employee Feedback that Matters

Giving employee feedback that helps your team improve is no easy task. When doing performance evaluations or meeting one-on-one, it’s tempting to focus on either only the positive or the negative in the meeting. According to studies, 37% of managers feel uncomfortable giving feedback. Employees need to hear from you when they’re doing well (and when they’re not). [...]

2018-09-12T16:12:00-04:00September 12th, 2018|For Hiring Managers, Talent|
  • Communication During the Interview Process

Communication During the Interview Process: Preventing Breakdown and Ensuring Success

One of the biggest complaints from candidates is the lack of communication during the interview process. Hiring managers have a lot on their plates, and the occasional check-in e-mail or phone call during a process that can take anywhere from weeks to months can easily fall to the wayside. Communication breakdowns appear to be a side effect of [...]

2018-08-16T16:18:45-04:00August 16th, 2018|For Hiring Managers, Talent|
  • interview preparation

Preparing for The Interview of Your Life

You’ve been studying and working all these years for this moment – the C-level interview. While you are preparing for the interview, you’re probably a little nervous, but you also know you have the experience and knowledge to be great at the job. Try these tips to polish your answers and nail the interview. Prepare stories that showcase [...]

2017-12-20T16:21:57-05:00December 20th, 2017|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • remote workforce

Pros and Cons of a Remote Workforce

In the information age, it’s possible to manage a company from almost anywhere in the world. But with these newfound possibilities, troubles can arise. While companies love to offer flexibility and trust to their employees, some find their collaboration and teamwork suffers. So what are the benefits and downsides of a remote workforce? We’ll walk you through the [...]

2017-12-10T16:58:35-05:00December 10th, 2017|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • thanking your employees

Thanking Your Employees This Holiday Season

Even if your industry doesn’t have a holiday rush, this time of year can be especially crazy for your employees. Schedules are filled with travel plans, family visits, concerts, recitals, and more. Thanking your employees can mean a great deal to those around you during the holiday season. If your industry does have a busy holiday season, it’s [...]

2017-11-15T17:01:44-05:00November 15th, 2017|For Hiring Managers, Talent|
  • holiday work rush

Maintaining Your Composure Under Pressure

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – or is it? The end of the year is a time for celebration and reflection, but many times, those who work in customer service face frustrated, stress-filled clients who feel the pressure of another year coming to a close. You may struggle in maintaining your composure (and helpful attitude) [...]

2017-11-01T09:49:18-04:00November 1st, 2017|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • technical interview

Acing a Technical Interview

You polished your resume, sweated out the application process, and now your potential future employer has called you back for that technical interview. During this conversation, you’ll be charged with showing off your personality and demonstrating your technical aptitude and problem-solving skills. Feeling the nerves creeping in? Not to worry! Today we’ve got a few tips on how [...]

2017-10-23T10:25:11-04:00October 23rd, 2017|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • cloud certifications

The Future is the Cloud – The Most Lucrative Cloud Certifications

As cloud becomes a more crucial part of any company’s IT ecosystem, the hunt for cloud professionals with cloud certifications continues to heat up. As a job seeker, having the right cloud certification can make you stand out among other applicants and help you get your next big gig. But it can be hard to decide which certification [...]

2017-10-11T10:52:30-04:00October 11th, 2017|Cloud, Talent|
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