As the pace of technological improvement continues to increase, replacing applications every time they start to show age is not practical. Instead, modernizing applications by applying updates for speed, security, and other improvements may be a more practical solution for your business.

Pictured: Ada Lovelace (1850 A.D.)

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Benefits of Application Modernization

  • Productivity: By modernizing your system, you keep the system that users are accustomed to while increasing speed and productivity. Your users will not have to learn a new system—you will not have to create a new system—and inefficiencies can be fixed or phased out.
  • Security: Security should be every business’ priority. Legacy systems, while being cutting-edge when first implemented, may be leaving your data vulnerable as they age. That doesn’t mean that you have to throw the whole system out. Upgrading to current security standards should be a part of any application modernization project.
  • Efficiency: It’s important to ensure your systems can operate your applications as efficiently as modern equipment enables. An application modernization initiative can find areas for improvement and automation and implement solutions that drive your business forward.
  • Agility: As technologies change, strategies also change. Whether your company is migrating applications to cloud or deploying on a hybrid cloud, application modernization is the way to ensure that your technology remains agile and scalable.

Application Modernization Services from Adapture

Your applications keep your business running, so it’s crucial that they push your business forward instead of holding it back. That’s where Adapture can help.

Adapture offers a range of application modernization solutions that may be right for your business. With our network of highly qualified engineers, we can implement leading solutions tailored to meet your unique network’s needs.

Application Modernization Options

By partnering with the experts at Adapture, you’ll gain critical insight into the right path for your modernization initiatives and build or rebuild your application framework the right way from the start.

Gartner identifies several options for modernization, which include:

  • Re-platforming
  • Re-hosting
  • Recoding
  • Rearchitecting
  • Re-engineering
  • Interoperability
  • Replacement
  • Retirement
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