Business Services

Our business advisory services offer experts who are familiar with your business-related IT pain points. We understand that every business is different, and we want to work with your business to develop solutions to your unique problems.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

– Leonardo DaVinci (1500 AD)

An IT Strategy Built to Fit your Business Services

The team at Adapture recognizes that IT exists to move your business forward, and it is not immune to the problems that hold your business back. Contracts, financing, and talent are crucial to your business’ success, and these issues also pose a threat to your IT initiatives.

We work closely with our customers to keep their business goals and IT objectives in line, such as:

Optimizing contracts for better coverage and lower costs

Forming skilled and efficient teams able to care for your entire environment

Investing in a scalable, long-term IT plan

Our Business Services

  • Contract Consolidation and Renegotiation Services
  • Relationship Management
  • Dedicated Case Escalation
  • Decommissioning Support
  • Sourcing Skilled Talent
  • Developing an Investment Framework
  • Lease Management
  • Vendor Consolidation
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Featured Case Study: Adapture Saves Fortune 1000 Payments Processor $3 Million After Maintenance Consolidation Project.

The client engaged Adapture for pre-cloud assessments and a migration “roadmap” to cloud.
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