For Job Seekers

Think Forward.

  • Transition from Full-Time to Contract Work

Are You Ready to Take the Leap from Full-Time to Contract Work?

Everyone is talking about the new American Dream–leaving a steady, corporate, nine-to-five job for the freedom of a contract position. While moving from full-time to contract work–and the flexibility that comes with it–certainly has its perks, it’s not all rainbows. If you’ve been thinking of taking the leap, take some time to consider the pros and cons of [...]

2020-01-17T15:09:56-05:00January 17th, 2020|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • Negotiating Your Next Contract

Negotiating Your Contract: Get a Recruiter in Your Corner

So you’ve almost landed a job, and now it’s time to settle up the contract. Whether you’re looking at a temporary gig or a full-time permanent position, now’s the time to set expectations for the role. Negotiating your contract can be intimidating, but it’s incredibly important. Today we’re outlining a few important ways to ensure you’re protecting and [...]

2024-06-17T15:13:28-04:00November 28th, 2019|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • top jobs in finance

Top Five Jobs in Finance in 2019

Looking for a career change mid-year?   The US News 100 Best Jobs and the Bureau of Labor Statistics help to provide some insight into the top jobs in the finance industry in 2019. With a low unemployment rate and a high level of job security, these top five jobs in finance should be on your radar during your [...]

2024-06-18T10:21:26-04:00June 1st, 2019|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • 2019 hiring trends

2019 Hiring Trends to Watch Out For

2019 is a year for change, which begs the question: will companies evolve to keep up, or will hiring managers continue to practice outdated techniques?  The dynamic between employers and employees is constantly changing, which means there has been a shift in the standard recruiting practices.  Here are the beneficial hiring trends to watch out for in 2019. [...]

2019-04-21T17:04:05-04:00April 21st, 2019|For Hiring Managers, For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • C-Suite resume

How to Optimize Your C-Suite Resume

Are you ready to level-up your career for a spot in the C-Suite? Prepping for this step can feel like making a giant leap into the unknown, but the right resume can help you make the move to the next phase of your career. Here’s what the executive hiring experts at ADAPTURE recommend you focus on to create [...]

2019-03-29T14:06:54-04:00March 29th, 2019|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • modern CIO

Understanding the Role of The Modern CIO

As cybersecurity becomes a higher priority, the CIO role has expanded. Gone are the days when the responsibilities of a CIO were limited to only the technology department– now a modern CIO touches almost every department in a company. From customer experience to website speed, CIOs have more to oversee than ever before “leaving their previous role as [...]

2019-03-17T08:54:36-04:00March 17th, 2019|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • hiring goals 2019

How to Ask for the Right Projects to Grow Your Skills

Repeating the same tasks day after day can get a little stale after a while if you do not grow your skills. Perhaps you’ve been in your position for some time and are feeling the itch to do something different. But that doesn’t mean you have to find a completely new job. Gaining on-the-job experience and new skill [...]

2019-02-18T15:13:35-05:00February 18th, 2019|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • hiring goals 2019

Transitioning from the Gig Economy to a Full-Time Role

Despite all the freedom that the gig economy promises, the security of a full-time job sometimes outweighs the many benefits of flex work. After bouncing around from contract to contract, you might be ready to settle down, truly get to know your coworkers, and plant the roots of your career. If you’re a freelancer looking to become full-time [...]

2025-02-19T16:51:40-05:00January 14th, 2019|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • top technical certifications 2019

Top Technical Certifications You’ll Need in 2019

Investing in technical certifications puts you closer to an in-demand job or a higher salary. Some of these certifications make you a better IT professional, and some of them make you a more efficient project manager, but they all teach sought-after requirements that will push you toward the top of the list of job candidates. Here are the [...]

2018-12-05T15:44:47-05:00December 5th, 2018|For Job Seekers, Talent|
  • top industries in 2019

Top Industries for Growth in 2019

Starting your job hunt in the new year? The IT industry continues to expand, and even more growth is expected in 2019. Taking a look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics recent reports provides some surprising input on the top industries based on economic and demographic changes across the country. If you’re looking for a new job, consider [...]

2024-06-19T10:57:33-04:00November 28th, 2018|For Job Seekers, Talent|
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