Even though a contractor may be a part of your team for only a limited time, he or she can immensely impact the climate of your office and how much stress accompanies your projects. Whether you’re looking to fill a single-project position or working on finding the right contractor who might pan out for a long-term salaried role, focusing on cultural fit during your search can set you up for success in the future.

Step One: Online Search–The New Place to Look for Contractors

As the gig economy and freelancing becomes more popular, doing a simple online search for a contractor can be an effective way to connect with a large pool of candidates. Through a LinkedIn profile or the contractor’s own website, you have an opportunity to see his or her work experience and professional style without committing the time to bring him or her in for an interview.

One of the easiest ways to judge if a person is right for your culture would be if he or she has previously worked at a company similar to yours. This company could be in the same industry or a direct competitor of yours. If that company has a similar culture, you can bet this contractor will be familiar with the landscape of your organization as well.

Broaden Your View of Previous Experience

If you’re a small business looking for an IT professional to take your communications to the next step – you’ll be searching for a contractor who has done the same thing in other small businesses, regardless of the actual industry.

You might be tempted to think you should only hire someone with the perfect previous experience, but that’s not always the best route when it comes to finding the right contractor. If you’re hiring a contractor who has only worked in large corporate settings, then he or she might not understand the entrepreneurial spirit and ownership required to work in a smaller business, regardless of the industry.

Contractors often migrate between industries, so don’t rule out someone simply because you’re in health care and he or she previously worked in real estate.

Investigate How Much the Contractor Shares

Every professional knows that you’ll be checking his or her social media accounts during the hiring process. While you may not want to admit how much these platforms contribute to a hiring decision, it should play a part in determining if someone fits with your culture.

First of all, does he or she project a professional, expert image online? Is he or she sharing articles on LinkedIn that prove he or she is keeping up with the industry? Of course, you don’t want to discriminate against anyone because of what you learned from his or her social posts, but a professional platform like LinkedIn can give you a taste of his or her personality without giving away too many personal details.

Step Two: The Resume

Many applicants attempt to highlight experiences that will make them a good fit for your company culture through their resume. When reviewing the resumes, a good place to look for culture match is in the “Special Interest” or other activities/ interest section. Does the contractor participate in non-profit outreaches? Does he or she enjoy outdoor activities? Is he or she active in the community?

Compare that with the types of team-building activities your company hosts and imagine if the contractor would fit in well at those events. No one is going to have all of the same interests as each other, but if the team does trivia once a month, you’ll want the contractor to participate.

Step Three: Interview–Finding the Right Contractor Match

So, you’ve done an online search and reviewed the stack of resumes, and now it’s time to meet face-to-face and see if the contractor is a good fit for your company culture. You’ll want to discuss the candidate’s process and working style in the past and see how that might differ from your company’s methodology.

How often is the contractor expected to email you with updates? Does he or she need to come into the office every day, or only certain days of the week? Do you have regular team meetings or only communicate through Slack?

The contractor might be used to more autonomy, or he or she might overrun you daily updates with his or her progress. Explaining expectations during the interview is an important way to start the relationship and ensure whoever you hire makes a good transition to your company culture.

Turning to the Staffing Experts

Ready to start finding the right contractors for your company? Don’t waste time wading through piles of resumes on your own. The Adapture Talent team will help you cut through the fluff and find best contractors for your company, whether it’s for a short-term project or a temp-to-hire position. Contact us today to get started.