The pandemic has left its mark on the way we approach work, including staffing. Some trends have been around for years and will continue to impact the IT industry in 2023, like the IT talent shortage. Others are emerging, products of new developments in technology or of the pandemic. Knowing these trends will help organizations understand changes in the job market and compete for the talent they need. Below are five staffing trends to expect in 2023.

  1. Recruitment Marketing

    As the Great Resignation continues, employers are reevaluating the ways that they present themselves to potential employees. Recruitment Marketing is a method of drawing in job searchers by presenting a company as a place where potential applicants would like to work. Between the Great Resignation and the IT talent gap, applicants have their choice of jobs. To get started, think about the marketing ‘funnel’ consisting of the awareness, engagement, and conversion stages. Learn what draws in the employees you are looking for, advertise your company’s mission and culture, and discuss benefits and how you show your employees they are valued. Make it easy for candidates to see themselves working for your company. Nurturing potential applicants along this path may help your organization receive more applications.

  2. Increasing Flexibility

    Over the course of the pandemic, many workers found themselves suddenly working from home. Now, many do not want to go back. A return to the office has stalled out despite earlier predictions, and remote work is becoming an accepted and coveted part of life for many office workers. Because of the rise of remote work, workers have more freedom to live where they like, leading to the decentralization of tech centers. Increasing flexibility has not only become one of the staffing trends to expect, it has become a deciding factor for potential applicants.

    Flexible work gives employees the ability to work when they want, as well. Employees can take advantage of a more flexible workday to work around appointments, children, and other things that may come up. They are also able to work when they are most productive, whether that’s 9-5, early in the morning, or late at night. Having clear expectations of what is required and establishing deadlines is a way to make sure everything stays on track.

  3. Diversity and Inclusion

    Diversity and inclusion have long been goals of IT departments and will continue into 2023. Diversity is linked to an increase in productivity, bringing different perspectives and experiences. Despite progress made over the last few years, the IT field still lacks the diversity many have been hoping for. A 2019 study by Deloitte found that women accounted for 31% of the workforce for technology roles. The number was expected to grow to 33% by 2022. Black and Hispanic women were underrepresented even among these. These numbers were drawn from large technology companies.

    For companies hiring remote workers, hiring and retaining diverse candidates may be easier than ever. The hiring pool is wide—spanning across time zones and even countries—and employers will be taking this opportunity to bring in talent that would otherwise have been inaccessible.

  4. Adjusting Screening Requirements

    The talent gap in the IT industry is not new, nor is it going anywhere anytime soon. Meanwhile, IT programs must have workers. Because of this shortage, hiring managers are moving away from degrees and leaning more towards ‘soft skills’ like ability to work well with others, communication, and willingness to learn.

    Adjusting screening requirements may also mean going through the application process and removing unnecessary impediments to submit an application. Many job seekers are passive, meaning they have a job but have an eye out for other positions. Even active job seekers only have so much time in the day. Streamlining the application process is a good way to make sure seekers don’t abandon the application.

  5. Increased Use of Technology

    Along the same lines as adjusting screening requirements is the increased use of automated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). An ATS is software that manages recruiting and hiring for a consistent experience for both the hiring manager and the applicant. It can schedule interviews, handle notifications, and send automated emails to both candidates and employees. It can be set to cull unqualified applicants from the application pool. It can also be used to manage job postings and maintain a database of new applicants and future prospects.

    For smaller organizations, a more personal touch may be the best solution. However, for organizations that handle hundreds of resumes over the course of a year, ATS may prove very helpful.