
Think Forward.

  • What AWS Instance Type is Best for Your Organization?

What AWS EC2 Instance Type Is Best for Your Needs?

Often in on-premise environments, workloads get over-provisioned. Many times, this is due to not knowing which AWS EC2 instance type is best for your organization’s needs. You might find that you’re maxing the number of cores but are only utilizing ¾ of the available memory (or vice versa). You over-provision as a practice, just to be safe. After [...]

2019-01-15T12:03:58-05:00January 15th, 2019|Cloud, Infrastructure|
  • Security vs Short-Term Profitability

Security vs Short-Term Profitability: Enabling Long-Term Sustainability

Investing in security is expensive, and it’s often tempting to focus first on your current profitability. But not investing in security costs organizations even more. What is the takeaway concerning security vs short-term profitability? If you fail to implement a robust long-term, scalable security infrastructure in your environments from the start, then you run the risk of suffering [...]

2025-02-21T09:03:19-05:00December 19th, 2018|Cloud, Cybersecurity, Security|
  • cloud

Benefits of Working with a Boutique Cloud Vendor

Major cloud providers offer a broad spectrum of features and solutions. But what if you need more personalization? Often, many small-to-medium-sized businesses are inundated with more features than they know what to do with, and they often lack the expertise needed to efficiently manage and secure their cloud environments. This is where boutique cloud services providers come in. [...]

2024-06-19T10:00:05-04:00November 2nd, 2018|Cloud|
  • Migrating Legacy Workloads to Cloud

Migrating Legacy Workloads to the Cloud

You’ve decided. It’s time for your organization to start migrating legacy workloads to the cloud. You know you have the bandwidth to maintain existing environments, but moving your legacy applications to public cloud is a different story. You have a lot of work ahead, and you might not entirely sure where to start. Here are the key factors [...]

2018-10-25T10:15:17-04:00October 25th, 2018|Cloud, Infrastructure|
  • DDoS Resiliency in AWS Feat. Img

Creating DDoS Resiliency in AWS

The average number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks doubled from January 2017 to January 2018. Not only are DDoS attacks growing in frequency, but they are also becoming more complex due to lack of security for IoT connected devices and recent Memcached software exploits. Are you secure in your DDoS resiliency in AWS? With Gartner predicting [...]

2018-10-10T09:37:19-04:00October 10th, 2018|Cloud, DDoS, Security|
  • Cloud Security Best Practices img

Cloud Security Best Practices: Are You Secure?

You’ve heard it before. A company gets breached, its critical data made available, and its brand suffers as a result. Hacking events like these demonstrate how vulnerable organizations (and their users) can be. With such grim headlines, it’s not surprising that some companies are still reticent to adopt cloud technologies. Implementing and following cloud security best practices can [...]

2024-06-18T11:46:04-04:00October 2nd, 2018|Cloud, Security|
  • physcial infrastructure to cloud

Moving from Physical Infrastructure to Cloud? Here are Three Steps for an Easier Transition

It’s easy to get stuck in the weeds with a giant migration initiative, but distilling the cloud prep and migration process into manageable phases for the move from a physical infrastructure to cloud presents an overview that fosters a more holistic and accurate approach. Here are three phases to a smoother cloud transition: PHASE 1 of Moving from [...]

2018-08-14T16:19:25-04:00August 14th, 2018|Cloud, Infrastructure|
  • IT Project Management

IT Project Management: The Key to Reaching Your Goals

As an IT Manager, with the in-house intricacies of planning for and facilitating new hardware rollouts, security programs, maintenance overhauls, cloud initiatives, and more, you often find yourself stepping into an IT Project Management role. Naturally, a percentage of these projects require the aid of external vendors, and, as a result, you do double duty to ensure that [...]

2025-02-21T09:23:15-05:00July 20th, 2018|Cloud, Infrastructure, Security|
  • subscription sprawl

SaaS Subscription Sprawl

Many companies don’t have a formal process or policy for technology subscription consumption. As a result, these approval inconsistencies and misunderstandings surrounding authorization and governance create an uncontrolled growth known as subscription sprawl. Often, this can result from a lack of oversight due to “shadow IT.” In fact, Gartner said as far back as 2012 more than 35% [...]

2024-06-19T10:08:13-04:00June 20th, 2018|Cloud, Infrastructure|
  • cloud security

Layering Strategic Visibility for Greater Cloud Security

A security infrastructure is only as resilient as its weakest point. Security experts recommend that modern organizations take a layered approach to their cloud security methodologies. To minimize breach potential and vulnerabilities, industry best practices dictate that IT teams strategically layer and optimize a combination of deterrent, preventive, corrective, and detection tools. Combining CloudCheckr and AWS for Greater [...]

2018-06-05T10:13:55-04:00June 5th, 2018|Cloud, Infrastructure, Security|
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