Now that we’ve gotten past the tricks and treats of Halloween, we can focus on all the things to be thankful for. If you’ve put a job posting out there sans recruiter, it can be a pretty overwhelming experience. Think of all the lost productivity you’ve faced and the countless hours spent sifting through a pile of less-than-stellar resumes—the one guarantee from this is mental exhaustion. So let’s toast to the recruiters who take a second serving of the tedious tasks from the buffet of head hunting. They’re definitely people to be thankful for.

There are plenty of terrible circumstances that you can be thankful to avoid as an employer by enlisting the help of a professional recruiter or staffing agency. Here’s two of them.

Be Thankful for Recruiters Who: Sift Through Junk Resumes for You!

You post a job to LinkedIn early in the morning, hoping to have a few responses by lunch to sift through on your break. You check for responses at 12:04 p.m. and realize that they are inundating your inbox. Numerous unqualified candidates are seeping through, and it becomes hard to tell up from down while you’re drowning in a sea of irrelevant resumes.

The following questions race through your mind:

  • “How do I reach a specific pool of candidates?”
  • “Can I filter my job search to target only this group of options?”
  • “Should I eat the ham sandwich I packed or get takeout?”

Even though a recruiter can’t narrow down your lunch options for you, he or she can at least narrow down your candidate pool so you can focus on the best fits for the position. A recruiter also has access to a more expansive network and can reach out to more passive job searchers.

Be Thankful for Recruiters Who: Thoroughly Screen Candidates to Weed Out Resume Liars

You’re thumbing through the resumes and you stumble upon gold. On paper, this candidate is perfect — great qualifications, tons of experience, and quite an elegant presentation for a resume. However, little did you know that the candidate beefed up the resume with some “skills” that would make him or her seem perfectly qualified.

You hire the candidate and after a week realize that there may have been some fabrication, leaving you with a bad hire. When “Conversational Spanish” turns out to be “Yo quiero Taco Bell,” you’re going to wish you had done some more screening. You can avoid unfortunate circumstances like this by using a recruiter. Recruiters are in charge of extensive resume decoding to ensure the best of the best can make it to the next level.

Here at Adapture, our recruiters can give you a lot to be thankful for as an employer. They save you the time it takes to sift through resumes and pre-screen the candidate before ever handing them off to you. Our skilled group of recruiters can find you top-level candidates by tapping into the most opportune markets for that position.