Think Forward.

  • AWS Service Delivery

Adapture Attains AWS Service Delivery Provider Status

Atlanta-Based IT Consultancy Gains WAF and EC2 Competencies, Strengthens Partnership with AWS ATLANTA, Mar. 6, 2025 – Adapture, an IT leader specializing in cloud, security, and infrastructure consulting, has expanded its partnership with Amazon Web Services and become an AWS Service Delivery Provider by gaining the WAF Competency and the EC2 Competency for Windows workloads. This is [...]

2025-03-11T09:39:58-04:00March 6th, 2025|News & Press|
  • AWS Storage from Snowball to Glacier

AWS Storage from Snowball to Glacier

A cloud migration is a complex, yet necessary, process that—once optimized—increases data availability and reduces operational expenses. Your IT team can handle moving marginal amounts of data to a web-based console, but the logistics of moving terabytes, or even petabytes of data to AWS storage, is another story. With your lean IT Team, you’re going to need some [...]

2019-12-16T12:51:13-05:00December 16th, 2019|Cloud, Storage|
  • AWS

AWS Vulnerability Management: Are You Secure?

AWS provides in-line security tools to kickstart the process of securing your environments. But these pre-built security tools alone are not enough to protect you from current (and future) threat landscapes. You need to implement and optimize the right components and configurations to mitigate vulnerabilities. Consider the following best practices for maintaining security in AWS. Two Approaches to [...]

2024-06-17T12:53:33-04:00July 26th, 2019|Cloud, Security|
  • Cost Optimization with AWS Reserved Instances

Cost Optimization with AWS Reserved Instances

Oftentimes when organizations purchase a variety of EC2 Reserved Instances in AWS, they do it with the hope of saving some money.  Unfortunately, many of these companies lack a way to confirm whether this is actually saving costs or if, worse, those AWS Reserved Instances are costing them more money each month. Understanding Reserved Instances Reserved Instances is [...]

2019-03-13T16:17:26-04:00March 13th, 2019|Cloud|
  • What AWS Instance Type is Best for Your Organization?

What AWS EC2 Instance Type Is Best for Your Needs?

Often in on-premise environments, workloads get over-provisioned. Many times, this is due to not knowing which AWS EC2 instance type is best for your organization’s needs. You might find that you’re maxing the number of cores but are only utilizing ¾ of the available memory (or vice versa). You over-provision as a practice, just to be safe. After [...]

2019-01-15T12:03:58-05:00January 15th, 2019|Cloud, Infrastructure|
  • DDoS Resiliency in AWS Feat. Img

Creating DDoS Resiliency in AWS

The average number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks doubled from January 2017 to January 2018. Not only are DDoS attacks growing in frequency, but they are also becoming more complex due to lack of security for IoT connected devices and recent Memcached software exploits. Are you secure in your DDoS resiliency in AWS? With Gartner predicting [...]

2018-10-10T09:37:19-04:00October 10th, 2018|Cloud, DDoS, Security|
  • cloud security

Layering Strategic Visibility for Greater Cloud Security

A security infrastructure is only as resilient as its weakest point. Security experts recommend that modern organizations take a layered approach to their cloud security methodologies. To minimize breach potential and vulnerabilities, industry best practices dictate that IT teams strategically layer and optimize a combination of deterrent, preventive, corrective, and detection tools. Combining CloudCheckr and AWS for Greater [...]

2018-06-05T10:13:55-04:00June 5th, 2018|Cloud, Infrastructure, Security|
  • Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services a Leader in Cloud IaaS

Technology research and advisory firm Gartner, Inc. recently came out with its Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for 2015. The Magic Quadrant evaluates cloud IaaS providers within the context of the fastest-growing need among Gartner clients – their desire to have a “data center in the cloud,” the research firm says. The criteria for [...]

2015-06-11T11:48:58-04:00June 11th, 2015|Cloud|
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