Case Studies

Think Forward.

Outlines of 3 people against a blue background

Data Center Talent Solution


Adapture Builds Talent Solution for Commercial Real Estate Giant The commercial real estate giant was undergoing a data center build for its client, a large technology company that owns several popular social media sites. It needed help building a team for the 16-month project. The real estate leader [...]

outline of a laptop on a light blue background

Finance Company IT Lifecycle Solution


Adapture Turns 20K Cost into 150K Credit with IT Lifecycle Solution The client is a financial company with more than 120,000 employees. It contacted our team about a laptop refresh involving 1,500 devices. The client works with sensitive data, and its number one priority is protecting its [...]

Watch Retailer Cloudflare Solution


Adapture Provides Cloudflare Solution on Tight Schedule for Watch Retailer Due to challenging times and economic headwinds, the client’s IT department was being tasked with a 50% reduction in spend across the enterprise. The department had to figure out how to cut this spend without sacrificing quality [...]

Skyline on a green background

Safety Services CrowdStrike Recovery


Adapture Jumps into Action Amidst CrowdStrike Outage With the help of Adapture, the fire and life safety company had migrated its aging servers into an Azure environment several years prior. During the CrowdStrike outage, 100 Virtual Machines went offline. Without these servers, business operations would be greatly impacted, [...]

A sketch of a globe in white against a turquoise background

Pharmaceutical Company Smartsheet Solution


Adapture Provides Smartsheet Support for Pharmaceutical Giant The pharmaceutical giant was faced with losing its sole Smartsheet system administrator during a leave of absence. Its significant user base of 440 licensed users depended on Smartsheet for their daily workflow, and they would struggle without her internal support. [...]

White sketch of a Ruler and protractor against a teal background

Engineering Firm Smartsheet Solution


Adapture Improves Processes for Engineering Firm with Smartsheet The engineering firm requested a comprehensive solution to manage federal water system improvement grants for their contract with a Mississippi state agency. It needed a way to track available federal funding, approved funds, project execution, and associated spend for [...]

Buildings on Blue

Safety Services Modernization Solution


Adapture Modernizes IT Infrastructure for Fire and Life Safety Company The client's growth through acquisition of smaller businesses created an enterprise landscape comprised of multiple Managed Service Providers (MSPs), legacy End-of-Life equipment throughout the business, a lack of a unified communication platform, no defined standards or security [...]

A group of people sketched out in white wearing ties on a navy blue background

Service Industry Smartsheet Solution


Adapture Provides Smartsheet Solution for Service Industry Giant Already a Smartsheet customer, our client was underwhelmed at the business impact and frustrated with the platform. Like many businesses, it was under budget constraints and was paying for a product that it did not know how to use [...]

A sketch of a basketball and a basketball net in navy blue against a light blue background

Sportswear Manufacturer Network Solution


Adapture Simplifies Renewals for Sportswear Manufacturer The sportswear provider was struggling to keep up with its two separate Meraki dashboard renewals and had limited budget to renew both. It also had substantial switch infrastructure reaching End-of-Support within 24 months and was struggling to determine when to refresh [...]

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