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As we continue to discuss the leaders within the different sectors of the Gartner Magic Quadrant, we are constantly looking to answer the question, “how do leaders stay leaders, especially when the competition is fiercer than ever?” This time, we’re looking at leaders in Integrated Systems. See our other MQ discussions on ADC, EPP, Enterprise Network Firewalls, IaaSSIEM, SSA, IPS, and WAF.

Integrated systems are a very promising technology and one of the fastest growing segments of the enterprise market. They enable you to build dynamic environments out of interchangeable and compact hardware. This simplicity allows you and your team to spend less time on maintenance and more time on planning for the future of your organization’s growth.

Nutanix, a next generation enterprise cloud platform company, has been named a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Integrated Systems for the second consecutive year. As part of their achievement, Nutanix  beat out the competition by achieving high marks in each of the seven evaluation criteria: Product or Service, Overall Viability, Sales Execution / Pricing, Market Responsiveness / Record, Marketing Execution, Customer Experience, and Operations.

What Does Nutanix Do, and How Have They Maintained Their Status in the Leaders Quadrant?

Since its founding in 2009, Nutanix has steadily grown and become a thought leader within the competitive hyperconverged space. With 1,800 employees continuing to innovate, Nutanix has quickly been able to capture more than 50% of their revenue market.

What’s the secret to their rapid and continued success?

A technology solution that continues to innovate, inspire confidence, and is unmatched by anything else in its field. With an investment of more than $100 Million USD per year in research and development, Nutanix has been able to not only continue creating best in class technology but has also managed to increase its year over year revenue by an impressive 82%. While the previous two feats are impressive, they weren’t the only contributing factors to Nutanix’s continued spot as a leader in the Magic Quadrant.

Nutanix showed its ability to continue to be a leader by making continuous enhancements, including two major releases, to its Acropolis Hypervisor software solution. The software inspires confidence amongst users with 43% completing the latest upgrades within an average of 100 days post-release. Additionally, the company offered data services designed around the growing needs and requirements of data centers. These services included adding one-click hypervisor conversion and improved multi-hypervisor support. Finally, the vendor unveiled its new “Nutanix Prism Pro.” Prism Pro is an optional piece of add-on software that is designed to extend the Prism infrastructure management with predictive analytics, capacity planning, and optimization advisory via the Prism Pro X-Fit technology.

While all of the aforementioned achievements have helped Nutanix grow—and they are certainly contributing factors to their status as leaders—the real secret behind the company’s continued success is its vision and roadmap. Together these two components highlight the company’s ability to understand that infrastructure silos need to be broken up and workloads need to be addressed for all types of data centers if you want to create an elite enterprise cloud platform. This forward thinking is coupled with the following achievements:

  • Aggressive product development, including one-click conversions, multiple hypervisors, and cross-hypervisor backup and disaster recovery.
  • Strong sales growth, especially in the acquisition of top global enterprise accounts.
  • The development of an enterprise management tool, Nutanix Prism, to create the transparency needed for robust yet non-disruptive compute and storage operations. ​
  • A seamlessly integrated enterprise cloud that provides agility to previously rigid enterprises via its natively integrated virtualization, storage, and compute features. The added benefits of operational simplicity and pay-as-you-go consumption result in the removal of constricting legacy infrastructures for the freedom enterprise clients need to continue to innovate.

You Need Vision to Become a Thought Leader 

One thing is certain, Nutanix achieved its leadership status for the second consecutive year due to its vision. In the words of the Co-Founder and CEO of Nutanix Dheeraj Pandey,

“We consider our positioning as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Integrated Systems for the second straight year as not only a validation of the hyperconverged market we pioneered, but a confirmation of our mission to elevate IT so companies can focus on the applications and services that power their business. … With the Nutanix enterprise cloud platform, our customers finally have a platform that can meet the new demands of their business, and we’re excited to continue to provide value to our customers as we execute on the dynamic vision we’ve laid out.”

Without vision, even the best of the companies can flounder—as was the case with the companies that were close to (but not quite in) the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Integrated Systems. Vision is needed to continue to develop, innovate, and become a thought leader within the rapidly evolving hyperconverged market of integrated systems.

Categories: Cloud