Zero Trust

Think Forward.

  • Cloudflare logo plus Bastion Zero logo. There is a vertical stripe in orange going down both sides of the image

What the BastionZero Acquisition means for Cloudflare

Cloudflare Inc announced its acquisition of BastionZero, a Zero Trust infrastructure access platform, on Thursday, May 30. The acquisition was announced on the day of Cloudflare’s North American Partner Summit and follows the acquisitions of Baselime and PartyKit, both of which were acquired in April. BastionZero is a leader in Zero Trust, both in cloud and on-prem environments. [...]

2024-06-20T10:58:11-04:00June 20th, 2024|Cybersecurity|
  • Large toll booth with cars lined up in several lanes to get through

Zero Trust Network Security Explained

As cyberattacks have become more complex, new strategies and philosophies around cybersecurity have developed to counter these threats. IT leaders have come to accept a harsh reality—stopping every cyberattack might not be possible. Instead, strategies have developed around mitigating attacks, limiting the damage a bad actor can cause. One such strategy that has become increasingly popular is the Zero [...]

2024-05-17T16:44:58-04:00May 17th, 2024|Cybersecurity, Security|
  • The Chaos of Zero Trust Architecture

The Current Chaos of Zero Trust Architecture

Everyone seems to agree that organizations need to move to a zero trust architecture, but zero trust in action currently ranges from a single area that can be “zero trust-like” to a complete environment being considered a zero trust architecture… But there aren’t actually agreed upon standards as of yet. Which means almost every security vendor has their [...]

2020-06-30T15:50:36-04:00June 30th, 2020|BYOD, Cybersecurity, Security|
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