phishing attack

Think Forward.

  • Protecting-End-Users

Protecting End Users from Phishing Attacks

Last time, we introduced you to phishing attacks and explained why it’s something you need to be concerned about, especially in light of its recent resurgence. We promised to discuss how you can protect your end users from them, so here we are. Here are some of the countermeasures you can implement. Educate your end users Of all [...]

2023-03-09T16:39:06-05:00June 9th, 2021|Cybersecurity, Security|
  • Resurgence of Phishing attacks (1)

Is the Resurgence of Phishing Attacks A Cause For Concern?

Is the Resurgence of Phishing Attacks A Cause For Concern? Easily one of the oldest attack vectors in the history of cybercrime, phishing attacks remain one of the most commonly used techniques for spreading malware, stealing credentials, infiltrating a network, or carrying out a range of nefarious acts on an organization. At the peak of the pandemic [...]

2021-05-18T13:40:59-04:00May 18th, 2021|Cybersecurity, Security|
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