BYOD Security

Think Forward.

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5 Things To Do Before You BYOD

The company-issued Blackberry died, and no one cared. According to a 2014 Webroot survey (PDF), 61% of companies support bring your own device (BYOD) or the use of employee-owned devices for company functions. Because we no longer control every device, how can we implement BYOD security to keep users and, perhaps more importantly, company data safe? BYOD Preparations [...]

2024-07-18T12:45:50-04:00December 11th, 2014|BYOD, Security|
  • byod security risks

BYOD Security Risks

Here's a statistic that would alarm any CIO: Almost half of employees have accessed corporate data while browsing unsecured public networks, and most employees never report any missing or stolen BYODs until later. With personal security already being breached via large retailers and popular online sites, it does not ease the minds of CIOs to know their corporate [...]

2014-06-20T16:49:24-04:00June 20th, 2014|BYOD, Security|
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