Adapture Provides Cloudflare Solution on Tight Schedule for Watch Retailer
Business Challenges
Due to challenging times and economic headwinds, the client’s IT department was being tasked with a 50% reduction in spend across the enterprise. The department had to figure out how to cut this spend without sacrificing quality or security. It turned to its online environment. With renewal deadlines coming up in less than a month, the clock was ticking, and the IT department needed to make decisions about its budget, security requirements, and customer experience expectations while planning for a quick migration.
Solution Requirements
The client was looking for a complete solution—a platform that would allow for cost savings and optimization as well as a partner that could handle the migration and post-migration load testing. After much due diligence, it decided to move forward with Cloudflare’s Core Application Services, including CDN, WAF, DNS, DDoS and SSL, as well as some specialty features such as API Shield, Page Shield, Bot Management and Workers.
Project Type