Leading Financial Institution Seeks Expertise from Adapture Cybersecurity Experts to Combat Threat from Emotet and TrickBot
Business Challenge
This financial giant recently suffered a significant ransomware attack. The company was fortunate that its defenses and the expertise that Adapture provided prevented any data loss, but the experience highlighted the need for continuing education and preventative action to combat the malware threats.
Our client’s ransomware attack began as many do—an employee unintentionally installed malware from an email attachment. The attachment included the modular trojan Emotet and the financial crimes trojan TrickBot, both commonly used vectors for attacks on financial services institutions.
Solution Requirements
The Adapture team arrived on site just days after the client first experienced symptoms of an infection. Thanks to the initial efforts of the client’s in-house IT team, the behavior of the attack was well documented and communicated. The Adapture experts’ efforts focused on establishing the scope of the infection, creating a Business Continuity-based remediation plan to reestablish critical business functions immediately.
It was during this investigation that the Adapture team found the encrypted files and demand for payment. Ransomware attacks are considered successful if they infect the company’s network, but you can prevent critical damage from the attack if the collected data cannot leave the network and return to its source.
Adapture not only aimed to contain Emotet and TrickBot, but to also determine if our client’s network defenses successfully prevented the exfiltration of data.
Project Type