Your data center is full of individual solutions, many of which are incompatible. The complexity of the technology industry means that organizations are often running operations across dozens of tools from different OEMs that come with a plethora of varying dashboards, inconsistent integration, and inconsistent patching and maintenance demands. For cybersecurity professionals, gathering data across all your endpoints is a logistical nightmare. That’s why industry leader Cisco developed its newest integrated cybersecurity solution−Cisco SecureX.

Most companies prefer a vendor agnostic approach but connecting data and insights across disparate endpoints is time-consuming and tedious. Companies with a strong vendor allegiance, however, miss out on the safety in numbers that comes from cybersecurity information and research from multiple vendors.

Cisco SecureX Enables You to Add New Cybersecurity Technology and Keep Pace with Business Needs without Adding Complexity

IT teams are in an endless cycle of integrating products that don’t easily fit together. To keep moving forward, companies have been forced to add to the complexity of their day-to-day IT tasks with disparate solutions causing:

  • Siloed Threat Intelligence and Visibility
  • Constant Pivoting Between Interfaces
  • Time Sinks Caused by Attempted Integrations
  • Disconnected, Incomplete Workflows

Cisco SecureX connects your entire security infrastructure for a consistent experience and unified view, saving your IT team time and bandwidth. Your engineers shouldn’t have to dedicate valuable time to building new integrations to bring together your world-class solutions; Cisco SecureX is the link that connects and amplifies the power of your security solutions.

Simplify Your Security with Your Current Infrastructure

According to Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) research, over 75% of organizations say that threat detection and response is more difficult today than it was two years ago.[i] Further ESG research reveals that now 31% of organizations utilize more than 50 different security products−and 60% use more than 25.

Managing a complex assortment of technology products leads to time-consuming security operations. With a shortage of cybersecurity talent, your lean IT team is bearing the brunt. Day-to-day operations shouldn’t take your entire cybersecurity team away from your strategic initiatives.

Cisco SecureX takes your manual processes to integrate insight across vendors and automates them. While Cisco SecureX obviously integrates with the entire Cisco security suite, it also integrates with other vendors’ infrastructure with its out-of-the-box interoperability. Cisco SecureX enables your team to gain deep visibility, unmatched insights, effortless automation, and strengthened security for your network, cloud, endpoints, and other applications.

This isn’t the first time Cisco has branched outside of its own product suite to encourage cross-integration with other top technology vendors. The Cisco Security Technical Alliance security ecosystem facilitates open, multivendor product integrations with more than 170 technology partners to improve security insight across the industry.

Adapture Helps You Implement Your New Unified Security Approach

Adapture helps you manage your Cisco solutions, including Cisco SecureX. From implementation to deployment and knowledge transfer, the Adapture Cisco experts help supplement your lean IT team.

Adapture provides decades of technical experience and an unmatched working relationship with Cisco to ensure your solutions have the best expertise backing them. Additionally, while we do keep close OEM partner relationship to benefit our clients, we are vendor agnostic−much like SecureX itself. Whether you deploy FireEye, Cisco, Juniper, Palo Alto, or other solutions within your network, ADAPTURE has the knowledge and flexibility to help you integrate new solutions and manage your current ones.

Interested in a Cisco SecureX demo? Contact an ADAPTURE Solutions Architect today to get started.

[i] Source: ESG Master Survey Results, The Threat Detection and Response Landscape, April 2019.