Penetration Testing

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  • Penetration Testing

From the Experts: Network Penetration Testing Best Practices and the Related Challenges

Taking a Best-Practices Approach to Penetration Testing Written by: Elliott Abraham, CISSP - Senior Security Architect at Adapture Penetration Testing or, as it’s known somewhat euphemistically, PEN Testing is a vital component of an overall risk management program. PEN Testing is so vital and is taken so seriously that the Payment Card Industry (PCI) in March of 2015 published [...]

2025-02-21T09:26:16-05:00February 1st, 2017|Cybersecurity, Networking, Penetration Testing, Security|
  • penetration testing

Penetration Testing: Staying One Step Ahead of the Hackers

As hackers continue to identify and exploit vulnerabilities within organizations’ systems to obtain sensitive information, companies need to conduct penetration testing to find and remediate those flaws. What is a Penetration Test? A penetration test looks for ways to exploit vulnerabilities to circumvent or defeat the security features of a company’s system components, according to the PCI Security [...]

2015-05-15T11:39:06-04:00May 15th, 2015|Penetration Testing, Security|
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