Network Security: Network Access Control (NAC)

Network Access Control, or NAC, solutions enhance network security by reducing the likelihood of unauthorized access and mitigating several threats and vulnerabilities. With a NAC, you can define and implement security policies that allow client machines access to network resources only when certain conditions are met.

NAC goes beyond the typical authentication and access control process. For example, in addition to checking login credentials and a client’s identity, a pre-admission NAC can inspect the client machine’s antivirus protection, system update status, and other relevant configurations. If, after inspection, the NAC system finds the security posture of the client too much of a risk, it will promptly deny access.

A post-admission NAC, on the other hand, monitors a user’s behaviors and determines whether that user’s actions can potentially pose a security risk. If a possible risk is detected, then that user is either quarantined or completely shut down. These countermeasures prevent worms, viruses, and malicious individuals from causing any harm.

While a NAC offers huge benefits from an enterprise security standpoint, deploying a NAC can be very challenging. It requires additional network resources and a high level of expertise. A poorly designed network can suffer serious performance degradation.

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Design a NAC System Tailored to Your Business Needs with Adapture.

The solutions architects at Adapture have decades of experience in IT and cybersecurity. Over the years, we have deployed and administered several IT security solutions, including different types of NACs. We are highly experienced in the 802.1X standard, Extensible Authentication Protocol over LANs (EAPoL), and a variety of Network Access Control products.

The experts at Adapture can help:

  • Select the best NAC solution for your business
  • Deploy and configure NAC supplicants, authenticators, and authentication servers
  • Advise you in securing your LAN or WLAN
  • Architect security policies and apply them to your Network Access Control solution
  • Configure your switches, routers, and other network components to work with your NAC
  • Design a network that’s fully optimized to support a NAC